Saturday, November 3, 2012


October 7, 2012: Blog
 So, this night I stayed up in my room and finished a few photo blog posts.  I don't know if this is relevant to the whole neighbor thing, but it's what I got!

October 8, 2012: Dog Neighbors
 My littlest two brothers are building a fort, so we all went down to take a look.  The dogs went too! Isn't this a pretty view? It's their fort entrance. :)

October 9, 2012: My Cocoa
 So I had a few days when I was making this amazing pumpkin hot cocoa.  It was pretty great.  I even made my own whipped cream.  It was delish.

October 10, 2012: Neighborhood Shop
 The second or third day when I went to make my cocoa... I made enough for all!  Chocolate whipped cream to go round.  Yum.

October 11, 2012: Pumpkins
 It's fall! We have pumpkins.  They're pretty.

October 12, 2012: Friendly Neighborhood Minivan
As I was walking around to work, I saw this amazingly awesome minivan. Yes, it had pink flames on the side.  It was pretty schnazzy.

October 13, 2012: A Little Neighbor
See those little dots?  There was a little raccoon that was looking at me from the middle of the road and stood up on his hind legs.  My camera flashes and it made his eyes glow... kinda creepy.

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