Friday, July 27, 2012

One Picture. One Day. One Year. One Life.

Well hello there!

I've been thinking of a whole lot of things I've been wanting to do, and one of them is trying to complete a "photo-a-day" challenge.  I started twice this summer, but was so busy with wedding plans and so on and so forth that I only completed one days worth.  So, I have decided to get a "schedule" and just go for it. 

The schedule I've decided to follow is actually weeks with a theme.  I think what I will try to do is complete a weeks worth and then post the pictures with the weeks theme and then move on to the next one.  I'll post both of this weeks pictures that I have taken, and then start doing one week at a time for next week... but then again, who knows how this whole plan will work out. 

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