Sunday, November 25, 2012


November 18, 2012: Catan
Gathering around the Catan table is one of the things we love doing the most at the J's house.  I won.  this was an amazing game that lasted forever, but it was soooo fun. :)

November 19, 2012: Frodo
One of Rebekah's birthday presents was a Frodo and Gandolf set.  After she put it all together we took some pictures.  I edited this one and just kinda had some fun with it, and I kinda liked how it turned out.

November 20, 2012: Gathering around the fire
We had a wonderful time of fellowship around the fire catching up.  I love my dear fellow staff from Rock-N-Water.

November 21, 2012: Gathering Water
We had some rain, and I decided to (again) take pictures of the clover.  I found a four leafed one!  So I took some pictures of it, then took this one.  I realized later that I have a four leaf clover in the back! I just thought that was pretty nifty. :)

 November 22, 2012: Gathered Egg Whites ;)
I made a lemon-lime merangue pie and it turned out so nicely that I decided to take a picture of it. :)

November 23, 2012: Gathering (or chopping down if you prefer) our Christmas tree
Tim always complains that I don't put pictures of him on my blog.  What? So here you have it.  He's a goofy guy and I love him.

November 24, 2012: Flower
 I just thought this was pretty, so I took a picture. :)

Week #17: MUSIC

November 11, 2012: BOOKS!
I really like books, and we went to a book sale and I got a whole bunch of books that I'm really enjoying reading.  One of the coolest things about that sale was an adorable old lady that gave me the books she had picked up to complete the sets I had cause she thought I could use them more.  She was so sweet.

November 12, 2012: Musical Light
Yes, I know what you're thinking: "Light isn't musical."  Oh well, I guess I'm making use of my poetic license.  It was a BEAUTIFUL sunny day after a few dreary rainy ones, so this made me happy. :)

November 13, 2012: Whoa
Okay, so this was the AMAZING sunset that I saw as I was walking into work, so I took a picture.  It had a jet stream that made it look like the sun was smoking.

 November 14, 2012: Coffee
One of the things I have looked forward to the most over the last couple months has been getting together with a dear friend and talking over Mere Christianity over coffee.  It has blessed me so much.  How I will miss that girl!

 November 15, 2012: Clover
We have a bunch of clover in the front yard, and I really like taking pictures of it.

November 16, 2012: Tea
I just thought taking a picture of the tea would be nice since I've been drinking so much of it since the weather started cooling down a bit.

November 17, 2012: Sunset
Another beautiful sunset under the heavy rain clouds in the sky.  So stunning.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Week #16: WIND

Okay, so I am going to try to make as many of these relate to wind as I possibly can.

November 4, 2012: Winds of "Change"
So, I voted on Sunday after we got home from church.  Obama is the president again, in for another 4 year term.  It's interesting how one single vote doesn't make much of a difference, but if everyone thought that and didn't vote...nobody would be voted for. Yeah, profound right? ;)
November 5, 2012: "Are you going to Scarborough Fair?"
 I organized all the spices and herbs and so on, and came across these little guys.  It made my day, so I decided to take a picture. :)

November 6, 2012: Wind in the Willows
 These are curly willow leaves.  I went out and took a bunch of pictures of fall leaves we have at our house.  there really aren't that many trees, so I really didn't take that many pictures, but I saw these and knew I had to capture them! :)

November 7, 2012: Dino
 I went on a beautiful walk with a dear friend, and saw this guy up through the trees! He sure surprised me!

November 8, 2012: Wind and Rain
 It rained.  A lot.  I like rain.  It's pretty. So I took a picture.

November 9, 2012: Glass Bottles
 I washed some bottles and took a picture of them drying.  Exciting right? ;)

November 10, 2012: Orange?
Honestly, I'm not sure if this is supposed to be an orange or a mandarin, but it was pretty! So I took a picture.  It's hard when I take a bunch of pictures that I really like, then I have to choose one that I want to put on the blog.  Mom thinks I should just put them all up, but then that wouldn't be a photo a day and it would just not work for me! I'm a rule follower even when they are my own rules...

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Week #15: TEXTURE

October 28, 2012: Wood and Rocks
 This was before the first bonfire of the season.  My little brother just made another one today and cooked his stew over it.  Very cute.

October 29, 2012: Hairy Legs
 This cute little wolf spider was about 2 or 3 inches across.  Pretty nicely sized.  It was on the road on our way home.  Kinda cute. ;)

October 30, 2012: Fur
 I thought that all the cats sitting outside on this shelf were pretty funny.  So I took a picture.  Not the very best quality through a window of course...

October 31, 2012: A Wet Dolphin
 I was driving home after a big storm, and I saw this! Look at this! It was a puddle that looked like a dolphin. Pretty neato if you ask me.

November 1, 2012: A Flower
 The varied textures of this beautiful flower caught my eye.  I love flowers.  This one was so amazing, and the rain just seemed to enhance it to my eye!

November 2, 2012: Wetness
 There was dew on the newly growing grass the other day.  I took a number of pictures, and I thought they turned out alright.  I didn't get AMAZING pictures, but this one turned out alright. :)

November 3, 2012: Sunset
Tonight's sunset was just breath-taking.  Sadly, this picture does not do it any justice.  I think it's alright though.  So amazing.

Week #14: A VISIT (part 2)

October 21, 2012: Room
 This was my section of the room.  See my stuff? Yes, yes you do.

October 22, 2012: Beautiful
 I love the country.  This was really fun.  I liked looking at all the rustic (better word than old) stuff all over the place!

October 23, 2012: Flying Home
 I got the window seat on the way home.  It was pretty sweet.  I didn't mind sitting in the middle though. :)

October 24, 2012: Yum
 I like Reese's.

October 25, 2012: Memory Lane (or what this weeks theme was supposed to be)
 This drive... I've driven it a million times.  So many memories... like that speed bump right past the first shadow. Boy...

October 26, 2012: I don't know how I missed this day...

October 27, 2012: Growing things
 I find it amazing that we have spring, full of growing things.  Then we have summer, hot and dry and everything gets all brown and dead. Then, we have fall.  Things start to grow again. It's beautiful. :)

Week #13: A VISIT (part 1)

October 13, 2012: Prayer Wall
 So, I set up a wall for my fellow students.  I have a picture of each one and a prayer card.  It's pretty cool.  Now I just need to get it all filled up!

October 14, 2012: The Wash
 I washed my clothes before I left with my mom to visit NC.  I hung them out to dry. And of course, I took a picture.

October 15, 2012: Flying
 This was so much fun! Mom and I flew to NC to visit my sister and her husband.  We had a ton of fun! "Pree - cisely"

October 16, 2012: On the Shelf (which is what this week was supposed to be based on)
 These little guys were on a shelf in the room that I stayed in.  They were really cool! I think Caela said they were from Finland or something like that.

October 17, 2012: The Backyard
 They live in an old farm house.  It was pretty cool cause there were old farm buildings, and lots of equipment, and a bunch of cows.  One of the things I liked the most were the circus birds.  So neat!

October 18, 2012: A Mushroom
 We went on a walk and looked at Hemlock.  We did NOT eat any, hence I am here to tell you about it.  This mushroom was growing in the middle of a stump.

October 19, 2012: Learning
Aimee taught her husband how to crochet.  It was pretty cute.  He's making her a hat.


October 7, 2012: Blog
 So, this night I stayed up in my room and finished a few photo blog posts.  I don't know if this is relevant to the whole neighbor thing, but it's what I got!

October 8, 2012: Dog Neighbors
 My littlest two brothers are building a fort, so we all went down to take a look.  The dogs went too! Isn't this a pretty view? It's their fort entrance. :)

October 9, 2012: My Cocoa
 So I had a few days when I was making this amazing pumpkin hot cocoa.  It was pretty great.  I even made my own whipped cream.  It was delish.

October 10, 2012: Neighborhood Shop
 The second or third day when I went to make my cocoa... I made enough for all!  Chocolate whipped cream to go round.  Yum.

October 11, 2012: Pumpkins
 It's fall! We have pumpkins.  They're pretty.

October 12, 2012: Friendly Neighborhood Minivan
As I was walking around to work, I saw this amazingly awesome minivan. Yes, it had pink flames on the side.  It was pretty schnazzy.

October 13, 2012: A Little Neighbor
See those little dots?  There was a little raccoon that was looking at me from the middle of the road and stood up on his hind legs.  My camera flashes and it made his eyes glow... kinda creepy.

Week #11: COLORS

September 30, 2012: Sunset Colors

 We went to Oakdale to visit some good friends.  We spent the night, and I got to watch the sun set.  It was so beautiful, and the colors were so vibrant, that I just had to take this picture!

October 1, 2012: Patriotic Colors
 In the morning, to celebrate one of the little boys birthday, we watched Captain America.  He's probably my favorite super hero.

October 2, 2012: Green Apples
 I made a recipe that I found on Pinterest that was apple pie in an apple skin.  They turned out really well!

October 3, 2012: Black and White Pandas
 We went to Panda Express.  I love all the colors there!

October 4, 2012: Bedroom Colors
 My bedroom is pretty colorful, so I decided to take a picture of it! :D

October 5, 2012: Missed this day somehow... and I thought I had done so well!

October 6, 2012: Wedding White
I made this cute little card from a sticker and chalk! It turned out pretty well if I do say so myself. :)